Project Description

Synthetic biology has the potential to lead to new or more efficient production of medicines, fuels, and other important compounds. Crucial to the success of synthetic biology is effective standards for the storage and sharing of genetic design knowledge between researchers and institutions. This project will develop SynBioHub3, an interactive data repository that will accelerate the pace of discovery and innovation for this critical emerging field. SynBioHub3 is a complete code rewrite of the current SynBioHub. It expands upon the idea of a database that stores biological information for the synthetic biology community to create a more ‘active’ storage database via the integration of curation, modeling, and new kinds of searching to allow more interactions within the stored data. Additionally, with a view towards the future, the database structure will be redesigned to make it more modular. Increased modularity will make the adding of further functionality, maintenance of current functionality, and swapping of design choices easier in future.

Special Requirements

Experience with Java and/or Javascript programming.
