Published: Oct. 14, 2022

Army Cadets work together to run the litter carry around the field. Photo courtesy of AROTC Second Lieutenant Chantel Phipps.

Army Cadets work together to run the litter carry around the field. Photo courtesy of AROTC Second Lieutenant Chantel Phipps.

This year’s competition was heating up well before the event date itself. With plenty of good rivalry “trash-talking” between the military units on who would take the trophy home this year. All eyes were on the Army team who had the most to lose, since they captured the winning trophy for the past 8 plus years.

Teams had to consist of 10 members, with at least two females on each team, to be able to participate in all events. The Navy/Marines were only able to secure one female for both of their teams. So they were handicapped minus 15 seconds for most events and had to do the tug-of-war with only 8 men.

For this year’s event, we could not have asked for better weather – sunny with about a high of 70 degrees. The layout and activities of the competition were modified for this year. Instead of individual events taking place around the field, the competition was set-up in several circuit/stages where all competitors had to finish one activity before they could start the next.

Pugil stick match between an Army Cadet and an Air Force Cadet. Photo courtesy of AROTC Second Lieutenant Chantel Phipps.

Pugil stick match between an Army Cadet and an Air Force Cadet. Photo courtesy of AROTC Second Lieutenant Chantel Phipps.

The competition began with the 4-person litter carry (180 lb. weight in the poleless nonrigid litter) that circled the field twice per team. The next event was the sprint-drag-carry (90 lb. weight drag, full water jug carry with 25 push-ups in between). Following the circuit events came the tug-of-war and pugil stick matches. The final event was the PMS or ROTC unit commander competition. Each commander had to do the weight drag, kettle bell carry with push-ups in between, finished off by a sprint across the field.

Cadet Chrisman pulling 90lb weights in the pull-carry run. Photo courtesy of AROTC Second Lieutenant Chantel Phipps.

Cadet Chrisman pulling 90lb weights in the pull-carry run. Photo courtesy of AROTC Second Lieutenant Chantel Phipps.

The event began at 3:30pm with all ROTC units entering at least two teams. Army and Air Force entered 3 teams, with Navy/Marines entering only 2. The Navy/Marines showed excellent strength in the pull-carry run. But the Army team’s overall dominance in the litter carry and pugil matches helped to clinch their final ranking. For the ninth consecutive year the Golden Buffalo Battalion's name will display on the front of the trophy. Air Force came in second place, while third place went to Navy and Marine Corps ROTC.

Congratulations to all competitors that gave it their all.

And a special thanks to USAA for sponsoring our event again this year. We appreciate your support.

Army ROTC Cadets celebrating their first place victory in the annual Tri-Military Service Competition on October 13, 2022. Photo courtesy of AROTC Second Lieutenant Chantel Phipps.

Army ROTC Cadets celebrating their first place victory in the annual Tri-Military Service Competition on October 13, 2022. Photo courtesy of AROTC Second Lieutenant Chantel Phipps.