Matthew Bethancourt
Teaching Associate Professor • Whaaat?! Lab • GAMES, EXPERIMENTAL SOUND
ATLAS Institute

Office Hours: Wednesdays 9:30-10:30am and/ Whaaat!? Lab and/or remote by request

Matthew Bethancourt develops experimental games and interactions that explore the limits of what a game can be and how games create opportunities for reflection. Much of his workinvites people to do silly or mundane things, which points to deeper themes and often poses unanswered questions. In his work at the Whaaat!?Lab, Matt works closely with students to create and launch their own games. The Whaaat!? Festival, an annual event open to students and the public, highlights games and experimental interactions.

He has taught audio production, sound synthesis, sound design, game design and development, web design, physical computing and installation/performance with Max/MSP. He holds a MasterofFine Artsin design and technology from Parsons School for Design.