COO, HavenlyJessie Dixon

Why did you decide to come to Leeds?I actually transferred to CU after spending my freshman year at American University in Washington, DC. I had a number of friends who were attending CU, and visited campus several times, so I felt like I had a good sense of the culture of the school and what it had to offer. The campus was beautiful and well regarded by everyone I knew; it was affordable for “in state” students, and it was close to my family in Colorado Springs. When American University turned out not to be a great fit for me, it was an easy choice to finish my degree at CU. As an incoming sophomore, I knew I wanted to pursue a degree in business. When I applied I was able to transfer directly into the business program, and with a bit of hustle, I was still able to graduate in four years, which was alsoimportant to me.

Could you share an experience (or two) that was particularity memorable at Leeds? The summer between my Junior and Senior year, I participated in the London Business Seminar. I had always wanted to study abroad, but I wasn’t sure if I could afford the cost or the time since I had transferred. The program was five-weeks-long in London during the summer, and we studied global markets and toured a number of notable London-based financial institutions, like the the London Stock Exchange and Lloyd’s of London. It was my first time in England, and I absolutely loved it. Not only did it open my eyes to a world beyond my own, but I also made several lifelong friends from the program. We even fit in a weekend trip to Ireland. I was so enamored with Europe that I ended up spending six weeks backpacking all over the continent immediately after I graduated from CU.

Any particular professors or mentors that influenced you while you were at Leeds? As I reflect back on my time in the business program at CU, the most influential part really was the whole experience rather than specific classes or professors. Sure I had my favorite classes—marketing research comes to mind (my “female snowboard” market research report is still floating around my house)—but it really was the end-to-end experience, from classes to internships and friends, that made it such an impactful experience.

Where has life taken you since you graduated Leeds?Since graduating from CU, I’ve worked for a number of amazing companies in the tech and ecommerce space, including Amazon, Walmart Global eCommerce, and eBags, primarily in strategy, merchandising and operating/GM type roles. I also received my MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University (2006), and helped co-found my current business—a venture backed e-commerce company called Havenly. I’ve also lived in some of the greatest cities across the country, including Seattle, Chicago and San Francisco. I’ve served on the board/committees of several nonprofits. Throughout my career, I’ve witnessed incredible growth and change in technology, especially in the retail and ecommerce realms.

What is one piece of advice/best practice that has stuck with you throughout your career?Take risks. Say yes to opportunities even if they sound scary or there is a chance you could fail. One consistent lesson I’ve learned over the course of my career is that taking a chance on a new role, company or idea is always the best way to advance and learn. When I joined, I was hired onto an amazing team with a leader I respected enormously, a team that was smart and driven and going places, and I was so happy. But about a year into that role, I was asked to move to the corporate strategy team to support the then CEO.With a lot of angst and sadness at leaving my team and manager, I took the leap, and it opened countless doors from there. As the old saying goes—with great risk comes great reward.

As spring begins, are there any new and exciting plans for Havenly?Things are really exciting at Havenly right now. We continue to grow our client base, evolve our design service offerings, and innovate for clients who want an easier way to design and shop for their homes. We’ve partnered with a number of great companies to get the word out about online design, including some physical locations in select Nordstrom locations. You’ll likely see more of a physical presence from Havenly this summer and later in the year. We’re also growing our Havenly Consult service where, for $19, you can work with one of our designers to get some fresh ideas for your home. This is a great way to start the conversation and then move into a bigger project if that is needed. Overall, we’re focused on delighting every client that comes our way and helping them create a space they love.

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March 2019