Published: Aug. 22, 2013

Francy Milner, former CESR Instructor and Associate Director and current member of the External Advisory Board, shared with TiE members how CESR is preparing our students to “lead the way” in creating enterprises to solve global social and environmental problems.mission is to “support the entrepreneur” via a mentoring program, education and networking.

“Many of our students are, indeed, passionate about revolutionizing different industries – education, healthcare, access to electricity, credit and clean water – just to mention a few,” said Francy as she addressed members of the business community in Denver last June. She highlighted CESR’s courses which provide business consulting advice to social entrepreneurs in the U.S. and in developing countries: Business Solutions for the Developing World and Social Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets.

Francy told the story of Andrea Pauline – a Leeds student who visited Uganda several years ago in the summer after her junior year and stayed to provide 162 orphans a safe and healthy place to live at Musana Home. Now, four years later, it is a successful Community Development Organization that provides boarding and education and is owned and run by the local community. And she mentioned Brett Howell, an MBA grad who became a Walker Conservation Fellow at the Georgia Aquarium and is now working to create conservation markets in the oceans to protect the marine environment.

“These are our young entrepreneurs and our hope for a brighter future. To quote Paul Hawken, American environmentalist and social entrepreneur: ‘If companies believe they are in business to serve people, to help solve problems, to use and employ the ingenuity of their workers, to improve the lives of people around them by learning from the nature that gives us life, we have a chance.’”

In other news…just last week Francy was interviewed by Larry Nelson of– Colorado’s Voice of the Business & Technology Community. She talks about CSR and business ethics: “When we talk about Social Entrepreneurship, it's people who found an enterprise with a social or environmental mission. A purpose to do good. It might be to provide clean water - or access to credit in developing countries for people who don't have that access.” Listen to the 5-minute interview.