Published: Sept. 30, 2015

The Center for Asian Studies and CU Study Abroad are happy to co-sponsor an Information Session for faculty members who are interested in learning about leading Global Seminars in Asia. These are summer courses where a faculty member takes a group of CU undergraduate students to study in an Asian country. Courses may focus on any topic related to the country they are based in. For the information session, we have invited past global seminar leaders to describe their experiences, and will also offer brief presentations by Study Abroad and CAS.

Maximum use should be made of the location, on-site resources, and connections with local communities. Faculty receive the normal salary for teaching a summer course in addition to having their expenses paid as part of the program fee. Each course typically accommodates 12 students.

Additionally, for faculty members interested in teaching a class in China (or China and neighboring countries), CAS is currently accepting applications for courses to be supported by the Tang Endowment. Please see for more information. Application deadline is November 15. 

The Information Session will be held on Thursday, October 8, in the CAS Conference Room, located at 1424 Broadway (two doors north of Starbucks on Broadway and University). Lunch will be provided.. Please RSVP to by October 6 to ensure we have enough food.