Associate Professor • Director of Graduate Studies


Ph.D., University of California Berkeley

Research Interests

Modern Japan; Modern Korea

Regional and Thematic Interests

East Asia


Professor Lim specializes in modern Japan and Korea. Her dissertation, "Enemies of the Lineage: Widows and Customary Rights in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945" deals with the transformation of family customs in Korea under the Japanese colonial rule. Professor Lim's teaching interest includes the histories of Korea, Japan, colonialism and post-colonialism, law, and women. Professor Lim is on leave this year (2012-2013) revising her dissertation into a book manuscript as the Korea Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at UCLA.

Selected Publications

2016. “Affection and Assimilation: Concubinage and the Ideal of Conjugal Love in Colonial Korea, 1922-1938,” Gender and History, Vol. 28, No. 2.

2013. “Women on the Loose: Colonial Household System and Family Anxiety in Korea” in Wen-hsin Yeh, ed., Mobile Subjects: Boundaries and Identities in Modern Korean Diaspora, (Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley)