Published: July 20, 2022

IQ10 Symposium Header

The 2022 CU Ƶ Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology Student Symposium and10-year Anniversary Reunion will take place onFriday, Aug. 12,at theJennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology Building. We will have two exciting keynote speakers. Dr. Sammy Ramsey is a new BioFrontiers faculty member, and Dr. José Dinneny is a member of Bio-X at Stanford University. We will also hear short talks fromIQalumni and lightning talks from currentIQstudents. Additional conference programming will include a casual “sketch your science” poster session (anyone welcome to participate!), and a career panel that will feature CU andIQalumni working in industry, government, and academia.

from the CU Events website.

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