LGBTQ+ Housing FAQs

There are many things to consider when thinking about housing as an LGBTQ+ person. Here we lay out some things you should think about when applying for on-campus housing.

Do you still have questions about housing and what things are really like? Contact Morgan Seamont at 303-492-7218 or

What are my best on-campus housing options in the following situations?

LGBTQIA and Allies LLC would be a good option for you. Living learning communities (LLCs) are cohorts of students that live and learn together around a specific topic. The LGBTQIA and Allies LLC members live in a dedicated wing in Hallett Hall designated for LGBTQ-identifying students and their allies. It has gender-neutral restrooms and showers, and students may room with different gendered students.

The seventh floor of Williams Village East is also designed as an inclusive space for LGBTQ and allied students. It is not associated with an LLC or residential academic program (RAP). The seventh floor (and all floors in the building) has gender-inclusive restrooms and showers. If you are looking for a place where you can feel comfortable and safe being yourself, this might be a good fit. Please contact University Housing if you think the seventh floor of Will Vill East might be a good fit for you.

You can do this pretty easily in the LGBTQIA and Allies LLC where there are more trans roommates to choose from. In other halls there may not be as many trans students, so it is best to talk with University Housing (303-492-6673) and ask if that is a possibility in your hall.

You can also live in this arrangement. However, not many floors have gender-neutral bathrooms and that might affect how comfortable you are using the facilities. Should you find yourself uncomfortable after trying this out for awhile, you can request to move to a different room, floor or hall. We cannot make guarantees about placing you exactly where you want to be after move-in, although we will certainly do our best.

You can certainly apply to live in that hall. We will try to pair you with someone who stated they were comfortable living with a trans individual but, as with any roommate, the situation might not be ideal. Should that be the case, University Housing (303-492-6673) will work with you on possible solutions.

You can do this! You do not always need to live in the RAP hall to take part in the RAP. You will want to talk to University Housing (303-492-6673) about this so they can walk you through the process and ensure you are included.

Our housing applications as for your gender identity, which is helpful when assigning roommates, especially when the identity selected is outside of the binary. There are also questions in the application about what gender identities you a comfortable living with. We also recommend the LGBTQIA and Allies LLC and the seventh floor of Williams Village East for students worried about being assigned a roommate they are uncomfortable with or who is uncomfortable with them.

While we try to screen roommates about their comfort living with an LGBTQ-identified person, there are occassions where roommates are uncomfortable with each other. If the situation cannot be resolved or you feel harassed or unsafe, University Housing (303-492-6673) will work with you to resolve the situation. Several options are available for these situations; Univeristy Housing will explain all of your options if this situation comes up.

Depending on the year, upperclassmen may apply to live on the the top floor of Williams Village East. This floor is set up for gender-inclusive housing and the entire building has gender-neutral restrooms on each floor. Freshmen may also live in this hall.

Apartment-style housing: Weber and Bear Creek halls also allow for gender-incusive housing. Get in touch with University Housing to pursue these options.