Blessed  Ngoe

Blessed Ngoe /blesid ŋgɔwɛ/ My research primarily focuses on the intersection of communication, culture, and marginality. I am particularly drawn to studying communication processes within non-traditional and frequently marginalized organizations in the Global South. My aim is to understand not just how cultural differences underpin intra-organizational or interorganizational conflicts, but also how these differences can be harnessed to address conflicts in such settings. Drawing from the Ethnography of Communication tradition and decolonial theoretical frameworks, I explore how alternative organizations utilize indigenous cultural knowledge systems to tackle organizational or communal challenges. My ongoing dissertation delves into the dynamics of collaboration within the Oroko family meetings, set against the backdrop of the Anglophone Cameroon conflict. This research aims to uncover the Oroko people’s cultural understanding of collaboration and its role in helping them navigate a tumultuous conflict. I argue that by tapping into their cultural insights on collaboration in conflict scenarios, affected communities not only interpret the conflict better but also devise strategies to cope with its immediate repercussions.
