Office of Human Resources

Unit Lead – Robyn Fergus

Goal 1: Units will build capacity for advancing diversity, equity and inclusion by focusing on employee skills and development.

Action 1

By June 2023, ensure 80 percent knowledge attainment on selected elements of a competency model by 90 percent of staff as measured by a rubric.

Status – in progress

Action 2

By July 2023, launch an initiative to lay the foundation for building a culture of trust, compassion and support that creates a work environment in which human resources staff can build their capacity, competency and confidence in diversity, equity and inclusion work.

Status – in progress

Action 3

By December 2023, provide supervisory support and accountability for 100 percent of staff in the Office of Human Resources for accomplishing diversity, equity and inclusion learning and development goals.

Status – in progress

Action 4

Ensure that emerging research on systemic racism, bias and diversity, equity and inclusion best practices are continually integrated into human resources management philosophies, practices and operations by 100 percent of our human resource centers of excellence.

Status – in progress