• The goal of our capstone project is to develop an unmanned aerial vehicle that can autonomously navigate an unknown environment while simultaneously creating a 2D map. This 2D map will be streamed in real time to a host computer that communicates
  • The SkiTron system will consist of three components, a Heads Up Display (HUD), a wrist mounted controller, and a smartphone application. The system will take user information from the phone such as incoming calls and texts, current music, speed,
  • Repetition is important for retaining information. Many people put notes on their bathroom mirrors to remind themselves of important events, details and tasks. This can be messy and, of course, relies on the user to remember to write the reminder in
  • Fuel cost is a significant expense to dirt bike riders, and gas powered dirt bikes produce large amounts of carbon emission that pollute the environment. Our project is to convert a gas- powered dirt bike into an electric powered dirt bike. By doing
  • Wireless charging of electric vehicles is attracting attention within many technologically advanced countries, and we find the idea of dynamic wireless charging particularly exciting. In a dynamic charging system, an electric vehicle would be able
  • SKINlapZ is a proof-of-concept product to make laser tattoo removal a robotic system. The state of the art entails a licensed provider guiding a specialized laser by hand at a fixed height over the patient's tattoo in a procedure that is expensive
  • The problem with battery powered devices is that runtime is dependent on battery capacity. Battery powered devices that can travel outside a reachable distance for users require retrieval or to be navigated back to the user before the battery runs
  • Based on observation of exponential growth of number of transistors on an integrated circuit chip, Moore's Law predicted in 1965 that transistors will halve in size every 18 months. Although this phenomenon has proven correct for half a century and
  • The goal of our project is to produce an air hockey opponent with artificial intelligence that can competitively play against any user. Recently, older tabletop games have been remodeled and engineered to include robotics. This allows the user to
  • Instructors and students lose valuable class time erasing the whiteboard, reducing the effectiveness of lectures. Our project attempts to solve this problem with the Eraser-Bot. While lecturing or conducting class, a teacher can use the device to
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