1. Meeting Overview [10 min]
    • Welcome - Terri Wright, Chair
    • Member Introductions
  2. Charge from Dean Molenaar [10 min]
  3. Campus DEI Goals [40 min]
    • Discussion of DEI goals addressing:
      • Faculty & Staff
      • ج‎Undergraduate & Graduate Student
  4. Officer Elections - Natasha Ouellette, Chair, Governance Committee [10 min]
    • Officer Elections Process (Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer)
  5. Communications and Marketing Committee [5 min]
    • Solicit volunteers
  6. Open Dialogue (Local DEI Committee Goals/Initiatives/Needs) [10min]
  7. Action Items:
    • Vote on each DEI college goal(s) to propose to the Admin Council.
    • Vote on officer roles, if necessary.
    • Scot Douglass will be invited to present on the Engineering Residential Community at our next meeting.
    • Invite Alicia and informed personnel for how faculty are evaluated: Goal 1