Prasanth Prahladan
Research Assistant
Computer Science

I'm a 5th year PhD student working in the application of Formal methods for the verification of Protocols. In particular, I work on the verification of protocols used in the 5G control plane. My secondary research focuses is related to the verification of Mergeable Replicated data types a computing model for distributed database systems. I am co-advised by Prof. Sangtae Ha (Internet Systems Lab) and Prof. Gowtham Kaki (CU Programming Language and Verification Lab).

I care about working towards establishing equitable, inclusive and safe spaces for work and education. I'm motivated by my personal experiences as an expatriate student in different countries that I have had the privilege of living in - Singapore, Germany, Qatar and the USA, apart from my homeland India. I understand that safety is a prerequisite for establishing a nurturing and effective educational/ work environment. The under-graduate years is a very formative time period, when individuals are impressionable. The experiences of an undergraduate student, can either help build them into more capable individuals, or it can defeat them, disable them and cause a lot more harm than good. I intend to ensure that I address my responsibility to my students, my peers and colleagues, in creating a space that reduces and limits harm to them, while possibly contributing some good, if possible.