Published: May 18, 2021 By

Twelvefaculty members within the College of Engineering and Applied Science have receivedThe total shows an impressive trend with the college earning five awards in 2019 and seven in 2020, said Associate Dean for Research Massimo Ruzzene.

"This kind of early career recognition for our faculty– especially for the scope and importance of the work represented – is always great to see and a good indicator of the current and future health of our college research enterprise," Ruzzene said. "I can't wait to see findings from these projects and how thebroader initiatives shape our college culture and vision going forward."

CAREER awards provide approximately $500,000 over five years for those “who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization.” The college has a long tradition of success in the award,with more than 80winners serving as current and past faculty members.

Here’s a look at the projects from the winners in our college this year:

2021 winners

Assistant Professor Kyri Baker

Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

Addressing grid optimization problems

Assistant Professor Xudong Chen

Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering

Better control of large networked systems

Assistant Professor Sherri Cook

Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

Sustainable solutions to wicked water problems

Assistant Professor Shu-Wei Huang

Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering

Imagingto catch early osteoarthritis

Paul M. Rady Department of Mechanical Engineering

Understanding high-altitude ignition

Assistant Professor Robert Marshall

Ann and H.J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences

High-energy particle interaction around Earth

Assistant Professor Marco Nicotra

Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering

Hypersampled model predictive control

Assistant Professor Danielle Szafir

Department of Computer Science andATLAS Institute

Data-visualization effectiveness research