Tam Vu in the hallway of the Engineering Center

Computer science professor wins Sloan Fellowship for 'earable' device research

Feb. 13, 2020

Tam Vu says the award will help him "innovate and develop a next generation of wearable devices to improve humans’ cognitive function and well-being from around and inside their ears."

Kristi Anseth in lab

Professor Kristi Anseth earns international recognition with L’Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science award

Feb. 12, 2020

She is one of only five women in the world, and the only recipient in North America, to receive the recognition this year.

Robots inspired by the design of bugs

From insects to robots: Jayaram takes inspiration from nature

Feb. 11, 2020

Assistant Professor Kaushik Jayaram sees nature as a giant catalogue of design ideas. Engineers can “leaf through” it to see how various species have overcome problems–many of the solutions exquisitely developed over time to perfection.

Lahijanian speaking with a student in his lab.

Beyond mundane: Lahijanian’s work in safety-critical systems pushes autonomy forward

Feb. 10, 2020

After decades of work to make robots more and more capable of helping humans, robotic systems have become ever-present in our daily lives, helping with tasks big and small.

Michelle in the UMC with students moving around her.

Suddenly silent

Feb. 7, 2020

Michelle Galetti (TAM'20) had good reason to leave college. She chose to stay.

T9 Hacks Group in 2019 including Cassandra Goodby second to the right

How a hackathon solution inspired a problem-solver: T9Hacks and Cassandra Goodby

Feb. 6, 2020

Five years ago, Cassandra Goodby sketched out her first website mockups at the T9Hacks hackathon. Now she’s the lead organizer for the hackathon, a master’s student in the Creative Technologies and Design (CTD) track of the Technology, Media & Society program in the ATLAS Institute, and a professional user experience specialist for NIST, the National Institute for Standards and Technology. She still remembers the jolt of that initial spark.

Portrait of Xiaoyun Ding

Keck funded research offers new tool to understand cells better

Feb. 6, 2020

New research at CU ĐßĐßĘÓƵ, funded by a $1 million grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation, aims to create a new system to study the mechanical properties of cells using surface acoustic waves.

Christina Barstow

Christina Barstow (CivEngr’10, MS'10, PhD’16)

Recent Alumni Award Christina Barstow is the chief operating officer for Bridges to Prosperity, a non-governmental organization providing access to remote communities through the construction of pedestrian footbridges. In this capacity, Barstow is working across programs in East Africa and Latin America, most prominently, overseeing the installation of a planned...

Roger McNamara

Roger McNamara (MAeroEngr’86, PhD’95)

Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award, 2020 Category: Industry & Commerce Roger McNamara’s notable contributions to the aerospace industry and community over his 40-year career include early research into and characterization of the hazards of orbital debris to space vehicles and operations, and potential mitigation strategies; improvements in space vehicle design and...

Mark Strobel

Mark Strobel (MChemEngr’79)

Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award Category: Industry & Commerce​ Mark Strobel joined 3M Co. in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1979 after receiving his MS in chemical engineering at CU ĐßĐßĘÓƵ and his BS in chemistry from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul. He has spent his entire career in...
