Jeffrey Robinson

Jeffrey Robinson retired from the University of Colorado in 2009 and from 2013 to 2019 was Professor of Romantic Poetry at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, where he continues as Honorary Senior Research Fellow. Romantic poetry and prose and Romantic poetics, particularly as it anticipates innovative and avant-garde movements in post-Romantic poetry, poetry to the present comprise his areas of interest and recent publications including: The Walk: Notes on a Romantic Image (1989, rep. 2006); Wordsworth Day by Day: Reading His Work into Poetry Now(2005); Unfettering Poetry: The Fancy in British Romanticism(2006); Poems for the Millennium, Volume Three: The University of California Book of Romantic Poetry, co-edited with Jerome Rothenberg (2009, winner of American Book Award 2010); a volume of original poems that “deform” the poems and idioms of Romanticism,Untam’d Wing: Riffs on Romantic Poetry(2010);Active Romanticism: Essays on the Continuum of Innovative Poetry from the Late-Eighteenth Century to the Present, co-edited with Julie Carr (2015); Poetic Innovation in Wordsworth 1825-1833: Fibres of These Thoughts (2019). In Fall 2016, he organized a 5-day poetry festival and symposium, featuring poets from the UK, the US, and Europe, called "Outside-in / Inside-out. See link for schedule and detailed retrospective on the event:His 2021 commentaries on the poetry of the homeless in Manchester, UK, The Book of Ours, can be found at He is finishing a book manuscript called “John Keats Utopian Margin.” He and his wife Beth now lives in South Hampton, New Hampshire in an 1828 farmhouse.

Department of English
Professor Emeritus
Hellems 101, Campus Box 226
University of Colorado
Ƶ, Colorado 80309-0226

Professor of Romantic Poetry
School of Critical Studies
University of Glasgow
4 University Gardens
Glasgow G12 8QQ
United Kingdom


  • A.B. English (cum laude) Harvard University 1964
  • M.A. English University of Chicago 1965
  • Ph.D. English Brandeis University 1972
  • Dissertation: Keats and the Waking Dream, Directed by Professor
  • Aileen Ward

Teaching Experience

  • Lake Forest College Instructor in English 1966-69
  • Brandeis University Teaching Associate 1969-71
  • University of Colorado Assistant Professor 1971-77
  • University of Colorado Associate Professor 1977-91
  • University of Colorado Professor 1991-2009
  • University of Colorado Professor Emeritus 2009–
  • University of Glasgow, UK Honorary Senior 2009–
  • Research Fellow
  • University of Glasgow, UK Professor 2013–

Professional Activities

  • Acting Editor, English Language Notes, 1973-74
  • Member, Modern Language Association
  • Member, National Wordsworth-Coleridge Association
  • Member, English Institute
  • Compiler, Romantic Movement Bibliography, 1980-88
  • Member, National Council of the Teachers of English
  • Chair, Department of English, 1987-89, 2007-2008
  • Member, North American Society for the Study of Romanticism

Honors & Awards

  • Teaching Recognition Award Nominee, 1974, 1977, 1980
  • University Faculty Fellowship, Fall 1975
  • University Faculty Fellowship, AY 1980-81
  • University Faculty Fellowship, AY 1986-87
  • University Faculty Fellowship, AY 2000-01
  • University of Colorado Sabbatical Leave awarded, 1992
  • University of Colorado CRCW Grant-in-Aid, 1979, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1989,1995
  • University of Colorado GCAH Grant-in-Aid, 1995, 2003, 2006
  • University of Colorado CRCW Seed Grant ($7000), 2005-2006
  • American Philosophical Society Grant, 1982, 1984
  • English Department BFA Teaching Award Nominee, 1986
  • Graduate Committee on Arts and Humanities Faculty Book Prize, 1990, for TheWalk
  • Guggenheim Fellowship, awarded April 1992
  • Visiting Professor, University of Bologna, May 1994
  • Ƶ Faculty Assembly Award for Research, Scholarly and Creative Work,1995-96
  • Fellow at the Anderson Center [writers’ colony], Red Wing, Minnesota, May1998
  • National Endowment for the Humanities University Fellowship, AY 2003-04
  • Naropa Summer Writing Institute, June 2003, Invited Instructor
  • Hazel Barnes Prize ($20,000) for distinction in scholarship and teachingat the University of Colorado, 2003
  • Winner: American Book Award for the Before Columbus Foundation, 2010, for
  • Poems for the Millennium, 3, The University of California Book of Romantic and Postromantic Poetry



  • Poetic Innovation in Wordsworth 1825-1833: Fibres of These Thoughts. London: Anthem Press, 2019.
  • Active Romanticism: The Radical Impulse in Nineteenth-Century and Contemporary Poetic Practice Contemporary Poetic Practice, co-edited with Julie Carr. Series on Modern and Contemporary Poetics. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 2015.
  • Untam’d Wing: Riffs on Romantic Poetry. Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Press, 2010
  • The Walk: Notes on a Romantic Image, reprinted in paperback with new introduction and afterward, Dalkey Archive Press, 2006.
  • “Poems for the Millennium, volume Three: The University of California Book of Romantic and Post-Romantic Poetry,” ed. Jeffrey C. Robinson and Jerome Rothenberg. University of California Press,2009. Pp. 950.
  • Special Issue Editor: Experimental Literary Education”in English Language Notes 47.1 (Spring/Summer 2009). Introduction by JCR
  • Unfettering Poetry: The Fancy in British Romanticism. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Pp. x + 301.
  • Poetry and Diary: Wordsworth Day by Day, Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Press, 2005. Pp. 160.
  • Poetry: A Wordsworth Notebook, Mellen Poetry Press (Lewiston, NY), 2002. 68 pp.
  • Poetry: Amenia: A Memoir, TreeHouse Press (Ƶ, CO), 2002. 122 pp.
  • Poetry: The Life of Things: Utter Wordsworth, TreeHouse Press (Ƶ, CO), 2001. 37 pp.
  • The Quotable Walker, ed. Jeffrey C. Robinson, Anne Wallace, and Roger Gilbert. Breakaway Press, 2000, 256 pp.
  • The Walker’s Literary Companion, ed. Jeffrey C. Robinson, Anne Wallace, and Roger Gilbert. Breakaway Press, 2000, 368 pp.
  • Passione e Bellezza: Fenomenologia del Romanticismo (translation into Italian of The Current of Romantic Passion), Liguori Editions, Naples, 1999, 184 pp.
  • Reception and Poetics in Keats: My Ended Poet, Macmillan (UK) and St. Martin’s Press (USA), 1998. xiii + 205 pp.
  • Poetry: Spliced Romanticism, Mellen Poetry Press (Lewiston, NY), 1997. 75 pp.
  • Romantic Presences. Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Press, 1995, x + 225 pp.
  • The Current of Romantic Passion. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1991, xiii + 200 pp.
  • The Walk: Notes on a Romantic Image. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989, 150 pp.
  • Radical Literary Education: A Classroom Experiment with Wordsworth’s Ode.” Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1987, 201 pp.
  • Keats: The Myth of the Hero by Dorothy Van Ghent, revised and edited by Jeffrey Cane Robinson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983, 277 pp.


  • Preface to a new edition of Jerome McGann'sThe Poetics of Sensibility,pub. Barrytown: Station Hill Press, 2022, forthcoming.
  • “Modern Experimental Poets Reading Keats: Misers of Sound and Syllable,” in Keats's Reading / Reading Keats: Essays in Memory of Jack Stillinger, ed. Greg Kucich, Beth Lau, Daniel Johnson. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, forthcoming.
  • “Keats’s 1820 Volume: Poetics “in the Spirit of Outlawry”,” European Romantic Review, ed. Brian Bates, special issue on Keats’s 1820 volume, forthcoming.
  • Essays on a book of poetry and art by the homeless living in the greater Manchester, UK, area, based upon the medieval The Book of Hours, called The Book of Ours:
  • "The Big Jewish Book: A Subterranean Bible"
  • “Not My Literary History!” Studies in Romanticism, Volume 59, Number 4, Winter 2020, pp. 547-557. Essays in honour of Jerome McGann.
  • "Pythia: Commotions, Convulsions, and Shrieks in Keats"
  • "Keats in Travel," in Keats in Context, ed. Michael O'Neill. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017
  • , 38, 2012
  • "Shelley’s Influence [from 1914] on poets up to the present day,” (8000 words) for The Oxford Handbook of Shelley Studies, ed. Michael O’Neill. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • “Romantic Criticism and the Jews: Trilling, Abrams, Bloom, Hartman,and others,” an essay for a collection on Romanticism and Judaism, edited by Sheila Spector. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Press, 2011. Pp. 183-99.
  • “Romantic Prose Poetry and Poetic Prose,” in Oxford Companion of Romanticism, ed. Frederick Berwick, et al.,2011,4500 words
  • “A Burst of Romantic Poetry,” PN Review. Vol. 37, No. 5, May-June 2011, 35-38.
  • “Romanticism and the Poetics of Improvisation,” The Wordsworth Circle, Summer, 2007.
  • “In Defense of Pre-Reading,” a prose-poem for a Festschrift (Jestschrift) for Jerome McGann, Fall 2007.
  • “Shelley: The Translator,” in Cambridge Companion to Shelley, ed. Timothy B. Morton. Cambridge University Press, 2006. Pp. 104-22.
  • “Felicia Hemans: The Poetics of Expiration,” in a volume on women poets of the 19th century, in Romanticism on the Net (internet), 2003.
  • “Leigh Hunt: The Poetics and Politics of the Fancy,” in Leigh Hunt, ed. Nicholas Roe, Routledge, 2003. Pp. 156-79.
  • “Deforming Keats’s “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” in a volume of essays on teaching Keats’s “Ode,” Romantic Praxis (internet), Fall 2002.
  • “‘My First Acquaintance with Poets’: Hazlitt’s Autobiography of a Cultural Critic,” Romanticism, 6.2, 2000, 178-94.
  • “Passion and Romantic Poetics,” Romantic Praxis (World Wide Web), 20 pp., 1998.
  • “‘My Ended Poet’: Poetic Tributes to Keats, 1821-1994,” Studies of Romanticism, 34 (Fall 1995), 441-69.
  • “The Power of Sound: Wordsworth’s ‘Unremitting Voice of Nightly Streams’,” The Wordsworth Circle, 23 (1992), 176-79.
  • “Epipsychidion and Romantic Passion Love,” in Approaches to Teaching Shelley’s Poetry, ed. Spencer Hall. New York: MLA, 1990, pp. 96-99.
  • “A Late Poem by Wordsworth to ‘Emma’,” Philological Quarterly (Summer 1985), 406-16.
  • “Melville Cane: The Expressionist Spirit.” Columbia Library Columns, 30 (February 1981), 25-35.(completed with CRCW grant-in-aid)
  • “The Immortality Ode: Lionel Trilling and Helen Vendler.” The Wordsworth Circle, Winter 1981
  • “Lionel Trilling and the Romantic Tradition.” The Massachusetts Review, 20 (Summer 1979), 211-36 (feature article).
  • “Lionel Trilling: A Bibliographic Essay.” Resources for American Literary Study, 8 (Fall 1978), 131-56.
  • “Introducing Wordsworth to Students in Colorado.” The Wordsworth Circle, 9 (Autumn 1978), 335-37.
  • “Coleridge Marginalia.” Notes & Queries, 25 (June 1978), 221-22.
  • “The Structure of Wordsworth’s Memorials of a Tour in Scotland, 1803.” Papers on Language and Literature, 13 (Winter 1977), 54-70
  • “The Role of Comparison in Homeric Thought.” Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, 30 (Autumn 1976), 181-204.
  • “Keats’ ‘Morbidity of Temperament’.” Notes & Queries, 23 (October 1976), 453-54.
  • “Dante’s Paradiso and Keats’ ‘Ode to a Nightingale’.” Keats-Shelley Journal, 25 (1976), 13-15.
  • “The Prelude, Book XIV, and the Problem of Concluding.” Criticism, 16 (Fall 1974), 301-10.
  • “An Unpublished Letter of William Wordsworth to Henry Robinson of York.” The Wordsworth Circle, 5 (Winter 1974), 15-16.
  • “Celebration: The Lyric Poetry of Melville Cane,” The American Scholar, 38 (Spring 1969), 286-96.

Poems (in addition to books)

  • floridize, absorb, spin: poem published as an art book with Prof. Karen Jacobs, 2003 (copy purchased by Special Collections, Norlin Library
  • Poems published in twenty-six, Sniper Logic 3 and Sniper Logic 4, La Questione Romantica, Many Mountains Moving, Prairie Schooner, and “for immediate release” (web).

Review Articles

  • “To Dwell in Possibility: Anthologizing a Revised Romantic Poetics,” focusing on Jerome McGann, The New Oxford Book of Romantic Period Verse (1993)and The Poetics of Sensibility (1996). Eighteenth-Century Studies 39, Winter 2006. Pp. 251-58.
  • Wordsworth’s Second Nature by James K. Chandler. Review, 1986.
  • “Romanticism through the eyes of Hazlitt.” Review, 7 (1985), 65-76.
  • “Geoffrey Hartman: Criticism as Literature.” Denver Quarterly, 10 (Winter 1976), 119-24.


  • Cambridge Companion of British Romantic Poetry, ed. James Chandler and Maureen McLane. Cambridge University Press. Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net, 2011.
  • The Oxford Book of Romantic Verse and The Poetics of Sensibility, by Jerome McGann. Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2008.
  • The Fatalist, Lyn Hejinian, Double Room (internet), 2004.
  • The Problem of Poetry in Romanticism, Mark Storey, The Wordsworth Circle, 2002.
  • The Masks of Keats, Thomas McFarland, and The Persistence of Poetry, Robert Ryan and Ronald Sharp, eds. The Wordsworth Circle, 2001.
  • Romanticism and the Self-Conscious Poem, by Michael O’Neill. Romantic Praxis, 1999.
  • Romantic Writing and Pedestrian Travel, by Robin Jarvis. Romanticism, 2000.
  • John Keats and the Culture of Dissent, by Nicholas Roe. The Wordsworth Circle, 1998.
  • Approaches to Teaching Keats’s Poetry, ed. Walter H. Evert and Jack W. Rhodes. European Romantic Review, Summer 1995.
  • Reading Romantics by Peter J. Manning. Studies in Romanticism, 32 (1993), 130-38.
  • Walking North with Keats by Carol Kyros Walker. The Wordsworth Circle, 23 (1992), 243-44.
  • History and Myth: Essays on English Romantic Literature, ed. Stephen C. Behrendt. Keats-Shelley Journal XLI (1992), 251-53.
  • Keats’s Life of Allegory: The Origins of a Style by Marjorie Levinson, The Wordsworth Circle 20 (1989), 201-03.
  • Professing Literature by Gerald Graff. Journal of Higher Education, 59 (1988), 701-04.
  • The Poet-Physician: Keats and Medical Science by Donald Goellnicht. Keats-Shelley Journal, XXXV (1986), 198-99.
  • The Borderers by William Wordsworth, ed. Robert Osborn. The Wordsworth Circle, 12 (Summer 1981).
  • Keats, Skepticism, and the Religion of Beauty by Ronald Sharp. The Wordsworth Circle, 11 (Summer 1980), 179-80.
  • Keats and the Sublime by Stuart Ende. The Wordsworth Circle, 9 (Summer 1978), 275-78.
  • We Must March My Darlings by Diana Trilling. Denver Quarterly, 13 (Spring 1978), 95-97.
  • Nature and Culture in the Iliad by James Redfield. The Classical Journal, 72 (Dec.-Jan. 1976-77), 184-86.

Journal Searches &Reviews

  • Romantic Movement Bibliography ed. David V. Erdman. Garland Press, annually from 1980-1988
  • Special Editor: Experimental Literary Education, English Language Notes, 47.1 (Summer/Fall, 2009), 230pp. Essays on “the state of the literature profession” and experiments in literary education”

Work in Progress

  • Book-length ms.: “The Romantic Dark Ages: Poetics 1820-1835”
  • Book-length ms.: “The Unremitting Voice of Wordsworth: 1826-30.”
  • Papers at Professional Meetings, Poetry Readings, etc:
  • “Introducing Wordsworth to Students in Colorado.” MLA 1976.
  • “Death and Desire in Keats.” Romantics Division, MLA 1979.
  • “On Vendler on Trilling on ‘The Immortality Ode’.” MLA 1980.
  • “The Poetry of Coleridge and John Thelwall.” MLA 1984.
  • “The Late Wordsworth and Women.” MLA 1985.
  • “Revising the Canon: Romanticism.” CEA 1986.
  • “Radical Literary Education.” Indiana University, October 1986.
  • “Dorothy Wordsworth’s Scottish Tour.” MLA 1986.
  • “Teaching Wordsworth.” Rutgers University, April 1987.
  • International Conference on Wordsworth and Romanticism, discussant, Indiana University, Spring 1988.
  • “Teaching Literary Education: A Course for Graduate Students.” ADE, June 1988.
  • “Teaching Wordsworth,” NCTE, 1988.
  • “Representations of Passion in Romanticism,” Conference on the French Revolution and Romanticism in Rome, Italy, 1989
  • “The Unremitting Voice of Nightly Streams,” MLA, San Francisco, 1991.
  • “Women Poets and the Romantic Lyric,” Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo., October 1992.
  • “Keats’s Leaping Poetry,” Brown University, November 1993.
  • “The Reception of Keats,” University of Bologna, May 1994.
  • “Romanticism in Light of Post-Romantic Poetics,” NASSR, November 1994.
  • “The End of Keats and the Beginning of ‘Keats’,” MLA, December 1994.
  • “Tom Clark’s Junkets on a Sad Planet: A Contemporary New American Reading of Keats for Poetic, not Biographical, Knowledge,” Convegno del Bicentenario di John Keats,” University of Bologna, November 1995.
  • Poetry Reading, Renata’s German Bakery, Golden Colo., October 1997.
  • “William Hazlitt’s ‘My First Acquaintance with Poets,'” NASSR/BARS Conference, Strawberry Hill, U.K., July 6-10, 1998.
  • “The Autobiography of a Cultural Critic: William Hazlitt’s ‘My First Acquaintance with Poets’,” invited lecture at St. Andrews University, St. Andrews, Scotland, October 7, 1998.
  • Seminar: “Romantic Visionary Poetics,” Graduate Seminar at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K., October 29, 1998.
  • Seminar: “The History of American Criticism of British Romanticism,” Graduate Seminar at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K., November 15, 1998.
  • Poetry Reading: Left Hand Books, Ƶ, Colorado, March 11, 1999.
  • Seminar: “Leigh Hunt and the Poetics of the Fancy,” invited seminar at the University of Cambridge, U.K., May, 1999.
  • “The Question of a Noncanonical Romantic Poetics,” co-leader (with Esther Schor, Princeton University) of a workshop, SAMLA, November 5, 1999.
  • Invited Participant: “Romanticism and Modernity,” University of Glasgow, Scotland, September 1-4, 2000.
  • “The Romantic Subject,” NASSR, Seattle, August 2001.
  • Poetry Reading: University of Colorado, Fall 2002
  • Invited speaker: “Performance, Deformance, and the Lyric,” Center for Humanities and the Arts, University of Colorado, February, 2003.
  • Poetry Reading: Naropa Summer Writing Program, June 2003
  • Poetry Reading: Bas Bleu Theatre, Fort Collins, CO., November 2003
  • Paper: “The Possibility of Improvisation in Romantic Poetry,” MLA 2006
  • Paper: “The Mutual Influence of Felicia Hemans and William Wordsworth,” NASSR/BARS, 2007.
  • Panel: (with Jerome Rothenberg) Naropa Summer Writing Program, 2007.
  • Reading: Poems for the Millennium, Volume Three (with Jerome Rothenberg and other poets): Books Inc., San Francisco, December 2008.
  • Reading: Poems for the Millennium, Volume Three (with other poets): Ƶ Bookstore, January 2009.
  • Reading: Poems for the Millennium, Volume Three (with Jerome Rothenberg and other poets): University of California, San Diego (February 2009)
  • Reading: Poems for the Millennium, Volume Three (with Jerome Rothenberg and other poets): Beyond Baroque Bookstore, Los Angeles (February 2009)
  • Invited Lecture: “The Dark Ages of Romanticism,” University of California, San Diego, February 2009
  • Reading: Poems for the Millennium, Volume Three (with Jerome Rothenberg and other poets): Bowery Poetry Club, New York City, March 2009
  • Reading: Poems for the Millennium, Volume Three (with Jerome Rothenberg and other poets): St. Mark’s Bookstore, New York City, April 2009
  • Reading: Poems for the Millennium, Volume Three (with Jerome Rothenberg and other poets): CUNY Graduate School, New York City, April 2009
  • Reading and Discussion: Poems for the Millennium, Volume Three (with Jerome Rothenberg and other poets and critics): Barker Center, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., April 2009.
  • Paper: “Shelley and Modern Experimental Poetics,” NASSR, Duke University, May 2009.
  • Reading and Symposium: Poems for the Millennium, Volume Three (with Jerome Rothenberg and other poets and critics): University of Pennsylvania, October 2009.
  • Reading: Poems for the Millennium, Volume Three (with Jerome Rothenberg and other poets and critics):The Other Room, Manchester, UK, 2010.
  • Reading and Symposium: Poems for the Millennium, Volume Three (with Jerome Rothenberg and other poets and critics): University of Glasgow, 2010.
  • Invited Lecture: “An Innovative Romanticism,” University of Salfourd, 2011.
  • Invited Seminar: “Poems for the Millennium, Volume Three: An Innovative Romanticism,” University of Cambridge, 2011.
  • Invited Lecture: “Discerning Wordsworth’s Late Poetics in the Manuscripts,” University College London, 2012.
  • Paper: “Occupy Romanticism,” in Poetry and Revolution, Birkbeck College, London, 2012.
  • Invited Lecture and Workshop: “An Innovative Romanticism,” Birkbeck College, London, 2012.
  • Invited Lecture: “Failure and Romantic Poetry,” University of Aberdeen,Aberdeen, UK, 2014.
  • Symposium Lead Organiser: “Outside-in / Inside-Out: A Festival of Outside and Subterranean Poetry,” 4-8 October, 2016, Glasgow University, Glasgow
  • Centre for Contemporary Arts, The Lighthouse Gallery, the .
  • Paper: Introduction to “Outside-in / Inside-out,” Glasgow University, 2016.
  • Paper: “Romanticism and the Poetry of the Outside,” Glasgow University, 2016.

Reader of Manuscripts for Presses

  • Cornell U.P., Princeton U.P., U. of Wisconsin P., U. of Oklahoma P.,
  • Vanderbilt U.P., U.P. of New England, U. of Pennsylvania P., Ohio State
  • U.P., Wayne State U.P., U. of Virginia P., Palgrave Macmillan, Fordham University Press

Other Creative Work


  • Teaching Poetry in the Schools: Herzl Day School, Bixby School
  • Summit Middle School, 1986-2002, Ƶ High School, 2007


  • “The Walk,” Denver Women’s Press Club, 1989
  • “Therapy and the Tradition of Autobiography”: Colorado Psychiatric Society Annual Meeting, October 1985
  • “Where Angels Fear to Tread: the Walking Topos in Romanticism, English Department Colloquium, University of Colo., 1978
  • “The Simile and Comparison in Homer,” Classics and Comparative Literature Series, University of Colorado, 1975
  • "Wordsworth’s The Prelude, Boox XIV, and the Struggle with Closure,” English Department Colloquium, University of Colo., 1974
  • Lecture: “The Novels of Elie Wiesel,” Hillel at the University of Colorado, 1972


  • “The History of Autobiography.” Denver Psychoanalytic Institute, 1981-85\
  • “The Book of Job,” Hebrew Educational Alliance, Denver, Fall 1973(eight weeks)


  • “Keats Dying,” University of Denver Graduate Course, Fall 1976
  • “The Late Poetry of Keats,” University of Denver Graduate Course,Fall 1975


  • Secretary of Reorganization Committee, Dept. of English, 1973.
  • Member of Curriculum Committee, Dept. of English, Winter and Spring 1973.
  • Member of Course Committee, Dept. of English, 1973-75, 1976-78.
  • Member of Faculty Committee, Dept. of English, 1979-80, 1985-86.
  • Chairperson, Course Committee, Dept. of English, 1974-75.
  • Member of Graduate Advisory Committee, Dept. of English, 1976-78.
  • Chairperson, English Honors Committee, 1978-79.
  • Member, University Honors Council, 1978-79.
  • Member, Dean Sawin’s Committee to study the Comparative Literature Program,1978.
  • Associate Director, Colorado Seminars in Literature Program, 1977-80.
  • Director, Colorado Seminars in Literature Program, 1980-83.
  • Service on many Ph.D. orals, author of four graduate comprehensiveexaminations, service on and director of many dissertations, Department of English, 1973-
  • Chairperson, Department of English Ph.D. Examination Committee, 1982-84.
  • Job-Placement Officer, Department of English, 1980-85.
  • Member, Distinguished Senior Faculty Search Committee, Department of English, 1983-84.
  • Member, Visiting Faculty Search Committee, Department of English 1984.
  • Member, NEH Fellowship Review Committee, 1984.
  • Kayden Award Reader, 1984, 2004
  • Member, Department of English Faculty Committee, 1985-87
  • CHAIR, Department of English, University of Colorado at Ƶ, 1987-89.
  • Organizer, MLA Assoc. of Departments of English Annual Conference, 1989.
  • Chair, Department of English Faculty Committee, 1989-90.
  • Organizer and Member, Department of English Task Force, 1989-91.
  • Member, Dean’s Committee on Challenge Grant for the Humanities, 1989-91.
  • Member, Vice-Chancellor’s Committee for Humanities Special Purchase Fund,1988-89.
  • Job-Placement Officer, Department of English, 1991-97.
  • Chair, English Department GPTI Teacher-Training Committee, 1994-95.
  • Reynolds Dissertation Fellowship Committee, A&S, 1992-95.
  • GPTI Award Committee, Ƶ Campus, 1993-97.
  • Member, Executive Committee, Department of English, 1997-98.
  • Member, College of Arts and Sciences Personnel Committee, 1997-2003.
  • Member, Ƶ Faculty Assembly Award for Research, Scholarly and Creative Work Committee, 1998-2000.
  • Chair, BFA Award for Research, Scholarly and Creative Work Committee, 2002.
  • Member, English Department Graduate Committee, 2001-03.
  • Member, Hazel Barnes Prize Selection Committee, 2004–.
  • Chair, Hazel Barnes Prize Selection Committee, 2006–.
  • CHAIR, Department of English, 2007-2008

Courses Taught at the University, 1971-2003

  • English 100 (Composition)
  • English 160 (Great Books: Greece)
  • English 161(Great Books: Rome and the Middle Ages)
  • English 198 (Introduction to English Studies)
  • English 200 (Critical Writing)
  • English 251 (English Literature Survey: 19th and 20th centuries)
  • English 367 (Shakespeare),
  • Honors (Modern Jewish Fiction)
  • English 390 (Keats)
  • English 390 (The Iliad and Tolstoy’s War and Peace)
  • English 390 (Ancient Epic: Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid)
  • Comparative Literature 410 (Background Readings)
  • English 456 (Early Romantics)
  • English 457 (Late Romantics),
  • English 492 (Wordsworth and Hardy)
  • English 497 (Coleridge)
  • English 490 (The Nineteenth-Century Essay)
  • English 491 (The Origins of Modern Autobiography)
  • English 4732 (The French Revolution and Romanticism)
  • English 510 (Continental and English Romanticism)
  • English 541 (German and English Romantic Theory)
  • English 600 (Blake and Keats)
  • English 611 Romantic Studies)
  • Humanities 101 (first half: Greece and Rome)
  • English 5134 (The Romantic Lyric)
  • English 4722 (World Lyric Poetry)
  • English 4732 (Metaphor)
  • English 5134 (Critical Analysis–graduate)
  • English 1002 (Critical Analysis–Poetry)
  • Experimental Course: English 200 (Critical Writing) 1983-85
  • Experimental Course: English 501 Literary Education (graduate course)
  • Experimental Course: English 5144 Studies in Literary Education (Graduate Course and Colloquium)
  • Experimental Course: English 4722 World Lyric Poetry
  • Experimental Course: English 4732 Metaphor
  • Experimental Course: English 5134 Critical Analysis (Graduate)
  • Experimental Course: English 7109 Women Poets of the Romantic Period (Graduate)
  • Experimental Course: English 5129 First Person World Lyric (Graduate Creative Writing Poets)
  • Experimental Course: English 5034 The Romantic Essay
  • Experimental Course: English 5529 Poetics (for Creative Writing M.A. candidates) (Graduate)
  • Experimental Course: English 4150 (Univ. Of Denver, graduate course)
  • Romantic Poetry and Romantic Counter-poetics (2003)
  • Experimental Course: Naropa Summer Writing Program, “Deforming Poetry” (2003)
  • Experimental Course: AThe Romantic Dark Ages,@ University of Denver graduate course (2005)
  • Experimental Course: AThe Nineteenth-Century Avant-garde in Poetry@ (2005)

Selection of Successful Students

  • Scott Sanders (graduate): Professor of English, University of New Mexico
  • Gary Harrison (undergraduate): Professor of English, University of New Mexico
  • Paul Youngquist (undergraduate): Professor of English, Pennsylvania State University
  • Hollis Robbins (graduate): Assistant Professor of English, Millsaps College
  • Gloria Eastman (graduate), Assistant Professor of English, Buffalo State University
  • Richard Greenfield (graduate and poet University of Denver), College
  • Karla Kelsey (graduate and University of Denver), College


Professor William Keach
Department of English
Brown University
Providence, R.I. 02912

Professor Jerome J. McGann
Department of English
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903

Professor Esther Schor
Department of English
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey 08544