Published: July 1, 2024

Graphic from Stellarium showing the eastern horizon with Jupiter down to lower left and Mars directly below the Moon top centerHave you ever seen the Red Planet? Set your alarm for 4:30am today and let the Moon be your guide.

Mars will be directly below the Moon in the eastern sky before dawn. Mars may be half of Earth’s size and 162 million miles away, but this planet has the largest volcano/tallest mountain in our solar system (Olympus Mons), the deepest canyon/longest valley (Valles Marineris) that would easily stretch from New York to Southern California, and twoÌýmoons (Phobos and Deimos) which are captured asteroids.

Plus, it’s the only planet inhabited only by [robot emoji]. Even small planets are mighty! Learn more at .

Graphic credit:Ìý