Photo of a full moon rising amidst the clouds in March 2020

Full Moon

March 17, 2022

Watch the last full Moon of the winter season rise in the east tonight at about 7:45pm MDT. Send us your pictures ! Photo credit: NASA/Joel Kowsky

Graphic from Stellarium showing the Moon in the constellation of Leo the lion

Moon in Leo

March 15, 2022

The waxing gibbous Moon will be your guide this evening for spotting the spring constellation of Leo. The lion rises earlier every evening revealing that spring is almost here. Graphic credit: Stellarium

Graphic from Stellarium showing the Moon between the Hyades cluster and the Pleiades

The Moon between Clusters

March 8, 2022

Tonight the waxing crescent Moon is framed by Taurus’s famed Hyades cluster on the left and the Pleiades cluster on the right. Follow the ecliptic down from the Moon to spot ice-giant (and yes, a gassy planet with an atmosphere comprised of Hydrogen, Helium and Methane) Uranus through a telescope...

Graphic from Sky & Telescope magazine showing the southeastern horizon with Venus, Mars and Mercury close to constellation of Sagittarius

Rocky Planets - Our Favorites!

Feb. 5, 2022

We LOVE rocky planets! Especially, our Earth! Grab your binos to see all of the solar system’s terrestrial gems Saturday, February 5th about 30 minutes before sunrise. Binos are optional for Earth, of course. Want to know more? Check out Sky & Telescope 's weekly article This Week at a...

Photo of yellow crocuses in the snow

Groundhog Day

Feb. 2, 2022

It’s Groundhog Day! Punxsutawney Phil can’t really predict the weather, but he can confirm his holiday has roots in ancient astronomy. February 2 is a cross-quarter day, meaning it's half way between the winter solstice & the spring equinox.

Photo of the updated installment of the scale-model solar system. Photo credit: James Negus

Sky & Telescope's Stargazer’s Corner: A New Scale-Model Solar System

Jan. 20, 2022

From Sky & Telescope magazine: The University of Colorado, ÐßÐßÊÓƵ, has unveiled a 1:10 billion scale-model solar system with an interactive sound experience. Have you ever longed to experience a planetary voyage through the solar system? Or to travel from the Sun from Jupiter? The University of Colorado, ÐßÐßÊÓƵ (CU...

Photo of the full moon from NASA with the two craters Tycho and Copernicus labeled along with the more prominent mare

First full Moon of 2022

Jan. 17, 2022

Enjoy watching the first full Moon of 2022 tonight! Can you spot the bright craters Tycho & Copernicus with your unaided eye? Look for the dark, smooth mare too. Mare means seas in Latin, but we now know mare are ancient lava flows. It's amazing what we can see from...

Photo of Sirius by Akira Fujii


Jan. 10, 2022

Have you seen Sirius—the brightest star visible from Earth? Use Orion’s belt to draw a line to the lower left to spot the brilliant Dog Star in Canis Major. Sirius is 8.6 LYs away (a mere 51 trillion miles) and one of our nearest stellar neighbors.

Photo from NASA Earth Observatory - shows four photos of earth in black and white demonstrating the changes of the seasons, related to the position of sunlight on the planet, are captured in this view from Earth orbit by the Meteosat instrument

Shortest Day of the Year + Longest Night

Dec. 21, 2021

Welcome to the shortest day of the year - the winter solstice! Avid observers, bundle up and enjoy the longest night of the year. Earth’s axial tilt causes the Sun to be at its farthest south (lowest) in the sky today for Northern Hemisphere dwellers. The Southern Hemisphere receives the...

Photo of a full moon in the early evening with birds flying in the sky Credit: NASA/Aubrey Gemignani

Last Full Moon of 2021

Dec. 18, 2021

Enjoy the last full Moon of 2021 tonight! You’ll find the Frost or Winter Moon in between the horns of Taurus, the Bull. Does it appear slightly smaller than average? The Moon is at apogee, meaning at its furthest point in orbit from the Earth — making it a mini-moon...
