Published: May 5, 2015

In the hours after the shooting, the police interviewing James Holmes in a tiny room at the Aurora Police Department said to him, “You’ve seen this before hundreds of times. Do you have any questions?”

His answer was, “Were children hurt?”

Other moments from James Holmes during that interview:

The detective asked him, “Do you want anything?” and James Holmes answered either, “Do you mean counseling?” or “Do you mean counsel?” 

The detective got him some water.

“Do you want anything else?”

James Holmes — “Oxygen.”

“Are you out of breath?”


Later, at around 3 a.m., Detective Chuck Mehr told the court that when he went in to check on the shooter, James Holmes was playing with the water bottle and plastic cup he’d emptied. He balanced the upside-down cup on the edge of the table and attempted to flip it into the air and land it on the water bottle, which was sitting upright on the table.

Earlier, when police put bags on his hands to preserve any gun powder residue, James Holmes turned his bagged hands into puppets making a rustling sound sitting all alone in the empty room.

The judge allowed a three-hour lunch so that one juror who broke her tooth over the weekend could visit the dentist.

“Thank you for being a trooper,” Judge Carlos Samour said.