Holmes appears in court with new haircut during jury selection

May 13, 2015

Best moments: first day of group jury selection for the James Holmes murder trial: 1. The pastor who didn’t think he should sit on the jury because of his relationship with the grandmother of one of the victims. “I have an emotional attachment to the woman I loved quite dearly.”...

Theater trial, Day 11: Hours spent showing shell-filled, bullet-pocked theater

May 12, 2015

Carol McKinley and Lo Snelgrove reflect on Day 11 of the Aurora theater trial. AUDIO Defendant James Holmes stands trial for the murder of 12 people at an Aurora, Colorado movie theater on July 20, 2012. Prosecution seeks the death penalty; the defense seeks to prove the defendant’s insanity at...

FBI bomb expert discusses devices

May 11, 2015

FBI bomb expert Christopher Rigopoulos discussed incendiary devices on Day 10 of the James Holmes trial. Prosecutors have suggested that the devices investigators found in James Holmes’ apartment were not only incendiary devices, but an intricate chain reaction designed to explode. In fact, Rigopoulos says there were three different ways...

Day 10 moves at a crawl, jurors stay focused

May 11, 2015

CENTENNIAL, Colo. — James Holmes had July 20, 2012 circled on the calendar hanging from a wall in his apartment. He drew an infinity sign around the date. Perhaps it meant he could never turn back. Perhaps it meant after the act, he would only infinitely move forward in a...

Shooting victim's mother fights for tighter gun restrictions

May 10, 2015

Listen as Sandy Phillips, mother of shooting victim Jessica Ghawi, talks about fighting for tighter gun restrictions, honoring victims of mass shootings and coping with the loss of her daughter, a talented young journalist. https://cunewscorps.com/1922/aurora-theater-trial/interview-sandy-phillips/

Holmes' neighbor called police about techno music blast

May 10, 2015

Kaitlyn Fonzi lived an apartment below James Holmes. At around midnight going into July 20, 2012, she was rudely awakened by a blast of techno music, so she went upstairs to complain. The door was ajar and she had no way of knowing she was walking into a trap. She...

Shooting victim's mother calls for tighter gun restrictions

May 10, 2015

Listen as Sandy Phillips, mother of shooting victim Jessica Ghawi, talks about fighting for tighter gun restrictions, honoring victims of mass shootings and coping with the loss of her daughter, a talented young journalist. https://vimeo.com/127436071

Police robot video shows bomb in Holmes' apartment

May 9, 2015

https://cunewscorps.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/IMG_2452.mov A police robot with four cameras aired these first pictures from James Holmes' apartment. Police took the videos the morning of Friday, July 20, 2012. Police said that the glass jar on the chair was a homemade napalm bomb. The green bottles surrounding the chair contained gasoline. The danger...

Witnesses discuss Holmes' booby-trapped apartment

May 8, 2015

CENTENNIAL, Colo. — Kaitlyn Fonzi was not at the Century 16 in Aurora, Colorado on July 20, 2012, when a masked assailant opened fired on a crowded theater. She was at home, sleeping in the apartment directly below the gunman’s residence at 1690 Paris St. Fonzi awoke to techno music...

Day 8 of Aurora theater shooting trial features mountains of evidence

May 7, 2015

CENTENNIAL, Colo. — In an effort to demonstrate the forethought that went into the murderous rampage at Aurora’s Century 16 theater in July 2012, the prosecution in the theater shooting trial Thursday steered the courtroom away from personal testimony, at least in the morning session, and called FBI agents to...
