Field trips for an air handling system and the Richter utility plant

April 21, 2017

On Wednesday (04/19/2017) and Friday (04/21/2017), Dr. Zuo organized two field trips for some UM students. In these trips, the students visited an air handling system and the Richter utility plant. They had a deeper understanding of HVAC systems through the trips.

A modern chilled plant in HVAC system

1661-TRP, Development of Near-Optimal Control Sequence for Chiller Plants with Water Side Economizer using Dynamic Models

A water-side economizer (WSE) is a cooling system by which the chilled water is cooled by the cooling tower directly/indirectly without the use of mechanical cooling. Employing WSEs can decrease the building energy consumption by reducing the chiller operating time or increasing the chiller efficiency. WSEs, however, may pose challenges...

Modelica diagram of the coupled airflow simulation

Coupled Simulation of Indoor Environment, Envelope, HVAC, and Control Systems

This research is to create a coupled simulation of indoor environment, envelope, HVAC and control systems to support the controls design and evaluation of energy efficient ventilation. The fast fluid dynamics (FFD) model is adopted to model the indoor environment with stratified air distribution. The Modelica Buildings library is used...