Published: July 17, 2019 By

Students design robotic lunar rover that could give us deeper look into the universeFrom ABC Action News: There’s a group of students at the Ƶ working on a project of astronomical proportions.They’re building a prototype lunar rover that could help us understand the origins of the universe.

“This is the antenna module,” student Arun Kumar says, as he demonstrates the robotic rover, controlling it with a modified Xbox controller.It’s part of NASA’s new Artemis program , which will once again send astronauts to the Moon.The plan includes building a mini space station named The Gateway, which would orbit the Moon.

“That’s very different than what we did during Apollo, says astrophysicist and professor Jack Burns, who heads up the NASA-funded Network for Exploration and Space Science.“I like to say this is bringing Silicon Valley to the Moon.”

Burns is working with students to develop the robot for the far side of the Moon. .