agesâ€â€”the few hundred million years after the Big Bang but before stars were formed. They’re reflected by Earth’s ionosphere. Photo by: VLADIMIR VUSTYANSKY

It’s Time NASA Built A ‘Cosmic Dawn’ Telescope On The Moon—And It Has Four Astonishing Plans To Choose From

July 28, 2021

From Forbes: Let’s do astronomy from the Moon. Spurred on by the collapse of the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico, the continuing degradation of the night sky by light pollution and the coming era of mega-constellations of satellites come four projects that seek to take astronomy to the Moon’s...

FARSIDE illustration on the Moon

Could humanity’s return to the moon spark a new age of lunar telescopes?

July 18, 2019

From Science: In the undulating, dust-covered Descartes Highlands, 380 kilometers southwest of Tranquility Base, where Apollo 11 landed half a century ago, a lonely gold-plated telescope has sat inert since 24 April 1972, when Apollo 16 astronauts John Young and Charles Duke blasted off the surface and left it behind...