Published: Dec. 22, 2023

Congratulations to the Fall 2023 winners of the Student and Postdoc Awards for Teaching and Service!

Teaching Awards

  • Roman Marcarelli: For outstanding contributions to the Physics 2010 and 2020 teaching teams both in labs and in the helproom, over multiple semesters.
  • Donna dePolo: For outstanding contributions to the Physics 1230 (Physics of light and color) teaching team, including designing and managing a new photography assignment.Ìý
  • Trevor Geerdts: For outstanding contributions to the 1110 teaching teams over the past year, including helping to establish the new academic support room in Will Vill East.Ìý

Service awards

  • Wes Johnson: For outstanding contributions to CU-Prime as an organizer and facilitator on the Talks Team.
  • Trevor Wright: For sustained and valuable contributions to the Partnerships for Informal Science Education in the Community (PISEC) program over many years
  • Jesse Kruse: For outstanding leadership within the Partnerships for Informal Science Education in the Community (PISEC) program
  • Aaron Barrios: For outstanding leadership of the Community of Support for Marginalized Students (COSMOS) group within the Physics Department, including developing a ‘Dean’s Innovation Fund Proposal’ to support undergraduate research.
  • John Wilson: For outstanding service work including founding and leading the Q-SEnSE student council for several years and also participating in the Physics Frontier Center student group at JILA.