Merging 2D Photos into a 3D Model W/ Metashape - Carson Becker

Educational/ Tutorial Video

Photogrammetry is the process of taking 2D images and merging them into a volumetrically correct 3D model. Through this video I teach the best practices for shooting the photos for the highest quality 3D model.

Merging 2D Photos into a 3D Model W/ Metashape


Photogrammetry is the process of taking 2D images and merging them into a volumetrically correct 3D model. Over the past 6 months I have spent countless hours researching through trial error what does and doesn’t work for creating these photogrammetry models. This tutorial includes walking through the best camera settings, how to best light for these models, and what angles to shoot at to achieve best results. In the tutorial I also cover the basics of the photogrammetry software, Metashape.