Clara headshot
STEM Departmental Change Consultant
Academic Technology Design Team • Office of Information Technology

Clara Smith graduated in 2017 from the ÐßÐßÊÓƵ with a Ph.D. in Educational Equity and Cultural Diversity. Her research interests have focused on the underrepresentation of gifted students who are bilingual in gifted programs. Other interests include Universal Design for Learning principles and Collaborative Education in her part-time role as Post Doctoral Associate for the School of Education at CU.  Other roles that Clara has had on campus are as Research Assistant for various School of Education projects, she was the founding manager and Lead for the Student Fellows program with ASSETT, and she worked as a graduate research assistant and academic coordinator for the McNeill Academic Program, a multicultural learning community. She has recently joined the DAT project as a facilitator and STEM Departmental Change Consultant.