
“Working out is like reading a book; you’ll keep turning the pages if you bring curiosity and a willingness to learn, but you won’t get past page one if you go into it with a closed mind.â€

Training Specialties

  • Functional training
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Beginner Gymnastics

Education and Certifications

  • ACE Certified personal trainer
  • Communications Major

Training Philosophy

Working out is about so much more than physical movement; it’s about your relationship with your body and mind. I want to help you reach your physical goals, but I also want to guide you to explore movement so that you find what you’re passionate about. We will tap into a curiosity and playfulness in your approach to working out, whether that’s while reaching a lifting PR, learning how to do a handstand, or shattering the mental limits in yourself that you hold to be true.

Interests and Hobbies

  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Mafia movies!
  • Sitting by the boulder creek
  • Running
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  • Listening to music