Published: Oct. 23, 2019

Luis was a third place winner in this year's GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge, a contest for applications to expand the uses of open access biodiversity data. Luis created an R-based web app that matches biodiversity data with sequence data from Genbank to help researchers address evolutionary and ecological questions. You can read all about the contest winners and check out Luis' great app !

Rocío was the winner of this year's Parodi Prize from the Sociedad Argetina de Botánica. This prize is named for the famous Argentinian botanist, Lorenzo Parodi, and is awarded every year to an early career botanist from Latin America. The winner gives an invited talk at the annual meeting (Jornadas Argentinas de Botánica), which took place this year in Tucumán, Argentina. Here's a picture of Rocío, standing beside her co-advisor Gloria Barboza, receiving the Parodi medal!
