Published: May 19, 1997

It's a misconception that athletes should flock to Colorado to train for competitions.

Ideally, says University of Colorado at ذكذكتسئµ chemical engineering Professor Igor Gamow, athletes should live at high altitude and work out at low altitude. This is fine for the jet set, but for Joe Athlete, the commute between ذكذكتسئµ and San Diego may be too costly.

Check out the virtual altitude alternative by slumbering in the Gamow Bed. This hypobaric chamber allows athletes to sleep at simulated high altitude, thereby producing more oxygen-carrying red blood cells.

Gamow will demonstrate the bed and the Gamow Bag آ– a hyperbaric chamber used to treat mountain climbers who suffer from acute altitude sickness آ– at a free slide show and workshop Thursday, May 22, at 6:30 p.m. at ذكذكتسئµ's ProPeloton bike shop, 2615 13th St.

The audience will be encouraged to climb into the different chambers to feel the sensation of being at higher and lower altitudes. This workshop gives out-of-state Bolder ذكذكتسئµ runners an opportunity to ask Gamow questions about their training routine and altitude.