Published: April 13, 2017

Supporting a survivor

If you know someone who has been sexually assaulted,Ìýthere are ways to show support.ÌýKeep in mind the following suggestions if ever you find yourself in a situation where you can lend a helping hand.

  • Take the situation seriously.
  • Listen to what the survivorÌýneeds to feel safe.
  • Use the language the person is using.
  • Please note: If you have had a similar situation, your friend's reactions and choice may differ. And that's okay.
  • Consider referring the victim to free and confidential advocacy, counseling and support services at the .
  • Let your friendÌýknow there areÌýoptions, especially when it comes to reporting. In addition to OVA, the Ìýoffers reporting and support resources.
  • And when it comes to options, always support what the survivor feels is best.
  • Remember to take care of yourself; getting support for yourself will allow you to be more available for your friend.

Other upcoming events

Conversation at the Cottage, April 20
"Building a More Inclusive Movement to Combat Gendered Violence"

Sexpressions, April 20
Talent showcase celebrating positive expression of women'sÌýsexuality

Colorado Denim Day

Denim Day originatedÌýas a protest against the Italian Supreme Court verdict ofÌýa 1997 rape case, which stated, because the victim was wearing tight jeans during the assault, she must have helped her perpetrator remove her jeans and, therefore, consented.

Now a worldwide event and movement,Ìýstate agencies, businesses and other groups in ColoradoÌýare asked to allow their employees to pay $5 in exchange for wearing jeans onÌý, April 26.

Wearing jeans is a conversation starter and visual sign of your support of survivors and an end to sexual violence. Colorado Denim Day demonstrates the power of communities coming together to support survivors and take a stand against sexual violence.