Rapid Autonomous Loiter Program for Highly Increased Endurance (RALPHIE)

Description: RALPHIE will create an autonomous flight controller that increases the endurance of existing small Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for the Ann & H.J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences. This controller will increase the endurance of a variety of fixed wing UAS within a user-defined mission coverage area through management of vehicle energy and optimized flight trajectory.

Sponsor: HERD CU

Advisor:Melvin Rafi

PM: Sunny Sarkar

Team Roster: Sean Newman, Cooper Dale, Sam Garza, Sunny Sarkar, Lorenzo Madera, Andreas Brecl, Gina Staimer, Kidd Deng, Carson Leppla, Quinn Lewis, Andrew Thompson, Dawei Zhao

Project Files: