Aerial Tracking and Targeting with Autonomously Controlled Knowledgeable System (ATTACKS)

Project: Autonomous Aerial Localization of Ground Vehicles for Assisted Navigation

Team Abstract: Our custom aircraft is designed to use computer vision that informs a corresponding motion planning algorithm to distinguish, follow, and localize two independent ground vehicles. Delivering the inertial position of both vehicles over time, the aircraft shall autonomously execute all mission plans utilizing an onboard companion computer as a controller, one high FOV and one low FOV camera, real-time kinematic GPS positioning, and a constant telemetry link between the aircraft and the ground station displaying mission status on the user interface.

Mentor Company: Maxar Technologies

PM: Yun Yang

Team Roster: Aidan Bagley, Zach Chen, Liam Harris, Eric Sorenson, Souvik Chatterjee, Joshua Elston, Alex Lam, Gavin Thomas, Matt Chen, Rithik Gangopadhyay, Yun Yang, Nic Perrault