Michael Duffin Headshot
Peer Associates

Michael commutes to work daily by ascending 25 feet up into the branches of a sturdy oak. His office, a self-madeÌýÌýconspicuously free of right angles, is rooted in the Monadnock region of southwestern New Hampshire. This wind-buffeted perch provides a natural spot to gain perspective and inspire fresh thinking about client mission and program goals.

Michael has more than 20 years of experience as an evaluator, educator, and administrator of environmental education programs. At PEER, his work has included national research projects for the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Park Service, evaluation of several National Science Foundation-funded projects, and a variety of evaluation and consulting projects for schools and organizations in New England, the mid-Atlantic, and around the country.

Prior to co-founding PEER Associates in 2003, Michael specialized in program evaluation and environmental sustainability at Antioch University, where he earned a Ph.D. in Leadership and Organizational Change. Immediately beforeÌýstarting PEER, he held the position of project director of the Program Evaluation Team in the Craiglow Center for Applied Research and Policy of Antioch New England Institute.Ìý

Whether designingÌýaÌýstreamlined survey, a reader-friendly report, or an aerial abode, Michael is driven by the quest for clarity amid real options, with curiosity, action, and a tape measureÌýas his constant companions.Ìý