Experimental Literary Education journal cover47.1, Spring/Summer 2009
Jeffrey Robinson, editor

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This special issue on “Experimental Literary Education” brings together twenty-four essays by nationally and internationally recognized scholars and writers reporting on a wide range of new possibilities for higher education in the literary arts. Some essays address the dramatic changes in aspects of “the field” that imply a radical reshifting of educational experience; others assume such changes in detailed testimonials about learning activities within and beyond or in revised versions of the traditional classroom. And still others note reverberations of educational change at the institutional level in universities and colleges. From this collection emerges a call for a serious re-thinking of the paradigms governing literary education in the twenty-first century. “Experimental Literary Education” ought to stimulate the imaginations of anyone deeply involved in literary education—from students, to administrators, to teachers.

In This Issue
  • Digital Humanities and Academic Change
  • Biocultures Manifesto
  • English Studies: Transnationalism and Form
  • Music as a Form of Explication
  • Designing Doctoral Education after Katrina
  • On Game Playing and the Uses of Uncertainty
  • Recitation Considered as Fine Art
  • and more