
Choudhury A., Fankhauser R. G., Freed E. F., Oh E. J., Morgenthaler A. B., Bassalo M. C., Copley S. D., Kaar J. L., Gill R. T. "",ACS Synthetic Biology, 2020.

Morgenthaler, A. B., Kinney, W. R., Ebmeier, C. C., Walsh, C. M., Snyder, D. J., Cooper, V. S., Old, W. M., Copley, S. D. “",eLife, 2019.

Kim, J., Flood, J. J., Kristofich, M., Gidfar, C., Morgenthaler, A. B., Fuhrer, T., Sauer, U., Snyder, D. J., Cooper, V. S., Ebmeier, C. C., Old, W. M., and Copley, S. D. "", PNAS, 2019.

Flood, J. J. and Copley, S. D. “”,mSystems, 2018.

Kristofich, J., Morgenthaler, A. B., Kinney, W., Ebmeier, C. C., Snyder, D. J., Old, W. M., Cooper, V. S., and Copley, S. D. “”,PLoS Genetics, 2018.

Copley, S. D. "",Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 2017.

Kershner, J. P., Yu McLoughlin, S., Kim, J., Morgenthaler, A., Ebmeier, C. C., Old, W. M., Copley, S. D. “”, Journal of Bacteriology,2016.

Thiaville J.J., Flood J., Yurgel S., Prunetti L., Elbadawi-Sidhu M., Hutinet G., Forouhar F., Zhang X., Ganesan V., Reddy P., Fiehn O., Gerlt J.A., Hunt J.F., Copley S.D., de Crécy-Lagard V. "",ACS Chemical Biology, 2016.

Copley, S. D. "",Trends in Biochemical Science, 2015.

Copley, S. D. "",Biochemical Society Transactions, 2014

Kim J., Webb A.M., Kershner J.P., Blaskowski S., Copley S.D. "",BMC Biotechnology, 2014.

Khanal A., Yu McLoughlin S., Kershner J.P., Copley S.D. "",Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2014.

Rudolph J., Erbse A.H., Behlen L.S., Copley S.D. "",Biochemistry, 2014.

Rokicki J., Knox D., Dowell R.D., Copley S.D. "",BMC Genomics, 2014.

Novikov Y., Copley S.D. "",PNAS, 2013.

Yadid I., Rudolph J., Hlouchova K., Copley S.D. "", PNAS, 2013.

Kim J., Copley S.D. "",Biochemistry, 2013.

Kim J., Copley S.D. "",PNAS, 2012.

Hlouchova K., Rudolph J., Pietari J.M., Behlen L.S., Copley S.D. "",Biochemistry, 2012.

Copley, S. D. “”, Bioessays, 2012.

Copley, S. D. and Summons, R. E. “”, in Frontiers of Astrobiology, C. Impey, J. Lunine and J. Funes, Eds., Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Copley S.D., Rokicki J., Turner P., Daligault H., Nolan M., Land M. "",Genome Biology and Evolution, 2011.

Novikov Y., Copley S.D., Eaton B.E. "",Tetrahedron Letters, 2011.

Copley S.D., "",Journal of Biological Chemistry,2011.

Chumachenko N., Novikov Y., Shoemaker R.K., Copley S.D. "",Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011.

Kim J., Kershner J.P., Novikov Y., Shoemaker R.K., Copley S.D. "",Molecular Systems Biology, 2010.

Rudolph J., Kim J., Copley S.D. "",Biochemistry, 2010.

Copley, S. D. “Evolution and the Enzyme”, in Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry, vol. 8, (Enzymes and Enzyme Mechanisms), Elsevier, pp 9-46; L. Mander and H.-W. Liu, Eds., 2010.

Copley, S. D., Smith, E. and Morowitz, H. J. “”, Journal of Cosmology, 2010.

Copley, S. D. “Prediction of function in enzyme superfamilies”, F1000 Biology Reports, 1, Report 91, 2009.

Copley, S. D. “”, Nature Chem. Biol., 2009.

Smith, E., Morowitz, H. J., and Copley, S. D. “Core metabolism as a self-organized system”, in Protocells: Bridging Nonliving and Living Matter, edited by Rasmussen, S. et al., MIT Press, 2009.

Yu McLoughlin, S. and Copley, S. D. “”, PNAS, 2008.

Hamady, M., Widmann, J., Copley, S. D., and Knight, R. “”, Genome Biology, 2008.

Warner, J. R., Behlen, L. S. and Copley, S. D. “”, Biochemistry,2008.

Kim, J. and Copley, S. D. “”, Biochemistry,2007.

Warner, J. R. and Copley, S. D.  “”, Biochemistry, 2007.

Copley, S. D., Smith, E. and Morowitz, H. J. “”, Bioorganic Chemistry, 2007.

Warner, J. R. and Copley, S. D. “”, Biochemistry,2007.

Copley, Shelley D. “Glutathione transferases”, in Redox Biology, R. Banarjee, Ed., Wiley, 2007.

Cleland, C. E., and Copley, S. D. “”, International Journal of Astrobiology,2005.

Warner, J. P., Lawson, S. L., and Copley, S. D. "", Biochemistry, 2005.

Copley, S. D., Smith, D. E., and Morowitz, H. G. “”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences,2005.

Dai, M. H., Gill, R. T., and Copley, S. D. “”, Metabolic Engineering, 2005.

Copley, S. D., Novak, W., and Babbitt, P. C. “”, Biochemistry, 2004.

Dai, M.-H. and Copley, S. D. “”, Appl. Env. Microbiol., 2004.

Copley, S.D. "",Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 2003.

Dai, M.H., Rogers, J. B., Warner, J. P., and Copley, S. D. “”, Journal of Bacteriology,2003.

Copley, S. D. and Dhillon, J. K. “”, Genome Biology,2002.

Kiefer, P. M., Jr., McCarthy, D. L., and Copley, S. D. “”, Biochemistry, 2002.

Kiefer, P. M., Jr., and Copley, S. D. “”, dz𳾾ٰ,2002.

Copley, S. D. “”, Dehalogenation: Microbial Processes and Environmental Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

Copley, S. D., Anandarajah, K, and Kiefer, P. M., Jr. “A tale of two enzymes – tetrachlorohydroquinone dehalogenase and maleylacetoacetate isomerase”, Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2001.

Copley, S. D. “”, Trends in Biochemical Sciences,2000.

Anandarajah, K.; Kiefer, P. M.; Donohoe, B. S. and Copley, S. D. “”, 2000.

Fall, R. and Copley, S. D. “”, Environmental Microbiology,2000.

Xu, L.; Resing, K.; Babbitt, P. C.; Lawson, S. L. and Copley, S. D. “”, Biochemistry,1999.

Copley, S. D. “Microbial dehalogenases”. In Enzymes, Enzyme Mechanisms, Proteins, and Aspects of NO Chemistry, C. D. Poulter, Ed., Vol. 5 of Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry, D. Barton and K. Nakanishi, Eds., 1999.

Copley, S. D. “”,Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol.,1998.

McCarthy, D. L.; Louie, D. F.; Copley, S. D. “” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1997.

Copley, S. D. “"Chem. & Biol., 1997.

Plowman, D. L.; Copley, S. D. and Claude, A. “”, Appl. Env. Microbiol,1997.

McCarthy, D.; Navarette, S.; Willett, W. S.; Babbitt, P. C. and Copley, S. D. “”, Biochemistry ,1996.

Willett, W. S.; Copley, S. D. “”,Chem. & Biol.,1996.

Crooks, G. P.; Xu, L.; Barkley, R. and Copley, S. D. ""J. Am. Chem. Soc.,1995.

Crooks, G. P. and Copley, S. D. "" Biochemistry,1994.

Crooks, G. P. and Copley, S. D. ""J. Am. Chem. Soc.,1993.

Copley, S. D. and Crooks, G. P. ""Appl. Env. Microbiol., 1992.

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