Selected Publications

  • Raj R, Pederiva L, NarisawaL M, Soraru GD. On the Onset of Fracture as a Silicon-Based Polymer Converts into the Ceramic Phase. J Am Ceram Soc. 2019;102:924-929. 
  • Seo HK, Kim K, Min SY, Lee Y, Park CE, Raj R, Lee TW. Direct growth of graphene-dielectric bi-layer structure on device substrates from Si-based polymer. 2D Materials. 2017;4(2):024001.
  • Chelliah NM, Singh H, Raj R, Surappa MK. Processing, microstructural evolution and strength properties of in-situ magnesium matrix composites containing nano-sized polymer derived SiCNO particles. ‎Mater. Sci. Eng. A. 2017;685:429-38. 
  • Zoli L, Sciti D, Liew LA, Terauds K, Azarnoush S, Raj R. Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics Enabled by Flash Pyrolysis of Polymer Precursors with Nanoscale Layers. J Am Ceram Soc. 2016;99:57-63. 
  • Azarnoush S, Laubscher F, Zoli L, Raj R. Additive Manufacturing of SiCN Ceramic Matrix for SiC Fiber Composites by Flash Pyrolysis of Nanoscale Polymer Films. J Am Ceram Soc. 2016;99:1855-1858. 
  • Morcos RM, Navrotsky A, Varga T, Blum Y, Ahn D, Poli F, Müller K, Raj R. Energetics of SixOyCz Polymer‐Derived Ceramics Prepared Under Varying Conditions. J Am Ceram Soc. 2008;91(9):2969-74.
  • Morcos RM, Navrotsky A, Varga T, Ahn D, Saha A, Poli F, Müller K, Raj R. Thermodynamically Stable SiwCxNyOz Polymer‐Like, Amorphous Ceramics Made from Organic Precursors. J Am Ceram Soc. 2008;91(7):2391-3. 
  • Varga T, Navrotsky A, Moats JL, Morcos RM, Poli F, Müller K, Saha A, Raj R. Thermodynamically Stable SixOyCz Polymer‐Like Amorphous Ceramics. J Am Ceram Soc. 2007;90(10):3213-9. 
  • Saha A, Raj R, Williamson DL. A model for the nanodomains in polymer‐derived SiCO. J Am Ceram Soc. 2006;89:2188-95. 
  • Saha A, Raj R, Williamson DL, Kleebe HJ. Characterization of nanodomains in polymer‐derived SiCN ceramics employing multiple techniques. J Am Ceram Soc. 2005;88(1):232-4. 

  • Modena S, Soraru GD, Blum Y, Raj R. Passive oxidation of an effluent system: the case of polymer‐derived SiCO. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2005;88(2):339-45. 

  • Raj R, Riedel R, Soraru GD. Introduction to the special topical issue on ultrahigh‐temperature polymer‐derived ceramics. J Am Ceram Soc. 2001;84(10):2158-9. 

  • Riedel R, Ruswisch LM, An L, Raj R. Amorphous silicoboron carbonitride ceramic with very high viscosity at temperatures above 1500 C. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 1998 Dec;81(12):3341-4. 

  • An L, Riedel R, Konetschny C, Kleebe HJ, Raj R. Newtonian viscosity of amorphous silicon carbonitride at high temperature. J Am Ceram Soc. 1998;81(5):1349-52.