Grounded Meaning for Situated Reasoning

Grounded Meaning for Situated Reasoning Authors: Krishnaswamy, N. and Pustejovsky., J. Publication Date: November, 2022 Type: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing

Building an Emotionally Responsive Avatar with Dynamic Facial Expressions in Human-Computer Interactions

Building an emotionally responsive avatar with dynamic facial expressions in human-computer interactions Authors: Wang, H., Gaddy, V., Beveridge, R., Ortega, F. Publication date: 03-20-2021 Type: Article Journal: Multimodal Technologies and Interaction

A Pose Proposal and Refinement Network for Better 6D Object Pose Estimation

A pose proposal and refinement network for better 6D object pose estimation Authors: Trabelsi, A., Chaabane, M., Blanchard, N., Beveridge, R. Publication date: 01-2021 Type: Conference Proceeding

Compositional embedding models for speaker identification and diarization with simultaneous speech from 2+ speakers

Compositional embedding models for speaker identification and diarization with simultaneous speech 2+ speakers Authors: Li, D. and Whitehill, J. Publication Date: 06-06-2021 Type: Conference Proceeding: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)

Embodied Multimodal Agents to Bridge the Understanding Gap

Embodied multimodal agents to bridge the understanding gap Authors: Krishnaswamy, N., and Alalyani, N. Publication Date: 04-20-2021 Type: Conference Proceeding: Workshop on Bridging Human-Computer Interaction and Natural Language Processing (HCI+NLP)

What Would a Teacher Do? Predicting Future Talk Moves

What would a teacher do? Predicting future talk moves Authors: Ganesh, A., Kann, K., and Palmer, M. Publication date: 2021 Type: Conference Proceeding

How to Give Imperfect Automated Guidance to Learners: a Case-study in Workplace Learning

How to give imperfect automated guidance to learners: a case-study in workplace learning Authors: Whitehill, J., and Erfanian, A. Publication date: 2022 Type: Conference Proceeding: Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference – AIED 2022

A Deep Dive into Microphone Hardware for Recording Collaborative Group Work

A deep dive into microphone hardware for recording collaborative group work Authors: Bradford, M., Hansen, P., Beveridge, R., Krishnaswamy, N., Blanchard, N. Publication date: 2022 Type: Conference Proceeding: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2022)

Multimodal Semantics for Affordances and Actions

Multimodal semantics for affordances and actions Authors: Pustejovsky, J., & Krishnaswamy, N. Publication date: 2022 Type: Conference Proceeding: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

Open-domain Dialogue Generation: What We Can Do, Cannot Do, And Should Do Next

Open-domain dialogue generation: what we can do, cannot do, and should do next Authors: Kann, K., Ebrahimi, A., Koh, J., Dudy, S., Roncone, A. Publication date: 2022 Type: Conference Proceeding: Association for Computational Linguistics
