JILA Keck Lab

Information about the JILA Keck Lab.

Contact: David Alchenberger

Email: alchenbd@jila.colorado.edu

Phone: 303.492.2389



Measures the transmission and reflection properties of optical elements and materials from the ultraviolet to near infrared wavelengths.

Used for dry etching and ashing.

For drying samples without going through density changes.

A scanning probe microscope typically used for surface characterization and height measurements at the Angstrom level.

Scanning probe microscope used to characterize surfaces with atomic resolution. Modes include tapping and contact AFM, MFM, and Tunneling Microscopy.

For sample cleaning, inspection and mounting. Also used for laser cavity assembly. Includes Leica stereoscope with adjustable LED illumination.

For measuring step height and surface roughness.

Used for depositing metal layers for lithography and optics.

Performs electron microscopy. It can also be used to do electron beam lithography.

  • For spin coating resist and other materials on substrates.

An optical instrument which uses the polarization state of reflected light to determine the thickness and optical constants of thin dielectric films. Used to characterize optical coatings.

For measuring sheet resistance and volume resistivity.

Performs electron microscopy. It can also be used to do electron beam lithography.

For semiconductor wet processing with KOH and HF only.

For semiconductor wet processing without the use of acids, KOH, or HF.

Used in photolithography. Aligns masks to existing structures on a wafer and exposes the photo-resist to transfer the mask design.

For spin coating resist and other materials on substrates.

General purpose instrument used extensively to characterize lithographically produced structures.

Used for oxide growth and diffusion.

Used for dicing or scribing glass, sapphire, and semiconductor substrates using a high-speed diamond blade.

For semiconductor wet processing with acids only.

Measures the transmission and reflection properties of optical elements and materials in the far infrared.

Used for connecting wires from chip to package using aluminum or gold wire.

A non-contact optical instrument for measuring feature height and surface quality.

Wavefront analyzer for characterizing the flatness of optical elements and substrates.

