CU-ÐßÐßÊÓƵ Career Services Holds Fair To Prepare Students For Future Career

Sept. 2, 1997

The Career Services office at the University of Colorado at ÐßÐßÊÓƵ will hold a Career Fair on Sept. 24 at the Coors Events/Conference Center from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Company booths will be on display so that seniors can meet with business representatives in advance of on-campus interviews. Underclassmen can submit resumes for internships and freshmen in particular are encouraged to attend the fair to work on networking skills.

Mars Global Surveyor Mission Set To Begin Orbiting On Sept. 11

Sept. 1, 1997

For researchers like the University of Colorado at ÐßÐßÊÓƵ’s Bruce Jakosky who are involved in NASAÂ’s unmanned Mars Global Surveyor mission slated to enter planetary orbit Sept. 11, patience is a virtue.

Search Committee Named For Vice Chancellor Post

Sept. 1, 1997

An 11-member search committee has been named to seek a replacement for Wallace Loh, vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Colorado at ÐßÐßÊÓƵ, who leaves the campus Sept. 30. Loh recently resigned his position to become Director of Policy for Washington State Gov. Gary Locke. The committee, chaired by Arts and Sciences Dean Peter Spear, will begin with an internal search. If a qualified internal individual is not identified, the committee will launch a national search. Members of the committee include:

CU-ÐßÐßÊÓƵ, Wiggins Wrapping Up Drinking Water Treatment Project

Aug. 28, 1997

The University of Colorado at ÐßÐßÊÓƵ and the town of Wiggins, Colo., are wrapping up a pilot project which shows a novel drinking-water treatment process that removes nitrates from groundwater is both efficient and cost effective.

CU-ÐßÐßÊÓƵ Business Students To Hear From Hallmark, Tootsie Roll Students

Aug. 27, 1997

EDITORS: In some cases, press members can arrange meetings with these business leaders prior to or following their lectures. Contact Laurie Van Horn, 492-5188, for information. John Hess, a professor at the College of Business and Administration at the University of Colorado at ÐßÐßÊÓƵ, has a specific goal for students in his Profiles in American Enterprise class. He wants them to understand the realities and intricacies of todayÂ’s business world.

CU-ÐßÐßÊÓƵ To Improve Service, Curb Alcohol Abuse For 1997 Football Season

Aug. 27, 1997

Football fans will be welcomed to games at the University of Colorado at ÐßÐßÊÓƵ this fall under a new plan that emphasizes improved customer service as well as a commitment to reduce alcohol abuse and rowdy game-day behavior. Among the initiatives will be an “ambassador” program to provide customer service and information to all fans as they proceed to the game, according to Athletics Director Richard Tharp. Tents will be set up around the campus, staffed with three or four ambassadors to greet people, answer questions and provide information about the game and CU-ÐßÐßÊÓƵ.

Rooms Open Up For Women As Dorm Crowding Eases

Aug. 26, 1997

Residence hall crowding at the University of Colorado at ÐßÐßÊÓƵ started to ease Tuesday, with many students who had been sleeping in converted lounges for the last week starting to move into available rooms. Residence hall directors took count of student “no-shows” on Monday, and as a result have been able to start assigning students occupying overflow areas to the vacancies left by those who have not shown up on campus for the fall semester.

High Tech Firms Invited To Meet With CU Faculty

Aug. 26, 1997

Representatives of state high-technology businesses are invited to meet with faculty of the University of Colorado at ÐßÐßÊÓƵ to discuss research areas that may be of mutual interest. A series of informal "4+4 breakfasts," pairing a few company representatives and a few faculty researchers whose technical backgrounds or research programs may overlap with a company's research or manufacturing needs, is being sponsored by the Office of Technology Transfer and Industry Outreach.

CU-ÐßÐßÊÓƵ Begins Search For Academic Vice Chancellor

Aug. 26, 1997

The University of Colorado at ÐßÐßÊÓƵ will launch a search immediately for its next vice chancellor for academic affairs, beginning with an internal search as defined by policies of the Board of Regents, according to Chancellor Richard L. Byyny. Wallace Loh, current vice chancellor for academic affairs, recently announced his resignation, effective Sept. 30, to become director of policy for the governor of the state of Washington.

Meeting Of Remembrance To Be Held For Joe Ben Wheat

Aug. 21, 1997

A meeting of remembrance will be held Sept. 6 in honor of Joe Ben Wheat, an internationally known archaeologist and curator emeritus of the University of Colorado Museum. Wheat died June 12 at St. Anthony Hospital Central in Denver after a short illness. He was 81. Friends, colleagues and other members of the university community are invited to meet informally at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 6, in the Mary Rippon Theater north of the museum on the CU-ÐßÐßÊÓƵ campus. Participants will share reminiscences and later adjourn to the museum for light refreshments.
