Bike mechanic

Bike Maintenance Clinics

Sept. 19, 2016

The Bike Maintenance Clinics Program has several upcoming clinics open to CU ذكذكتسئµ students. The comprehensive program teaches the fundamental skills needed to safely maintain bikes. Each one-hour clinic is followed by shop time, where students will have time to ask questions and work on their new skills as bike mechanics. The clinics are free and are held at the Folsom Bike Station from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Old Main CU ذكذكتسئµ campus

10 things to do this week: Sept. 19 edition

Sept. 19, 2016

Get outside this week—we've got some lovely autumn weather coming in, featuring plentiful sunshine and crisp, clean air.

CU ذكذكتسئµ Nobel Laureates

Behind the scenes: CU ذكذكتسئµ's Nobel laureates gather for campus photo

Sept. 19, 2016

Four of CU ذكذكتسئµ's five Nobel laureates gathered recently on campus for a photo in front of the Duane Physics Building. Click through for a short, behind-the-scenes video of the photo session.

A computer surrounded with symbols of accessibility

Universal Design Fellowship

Sept. 19, 2016

Are you hoping to adopt accessible pedagogy practices or make your course more accessible? Then you should apply for OIT's Universal Design Fellowship. The $1,000 fellowship award can be used for travel to an accessibility or professional conference, or used for materials for classroom use.

A postdoc and faculty mentor work on a research project

CU ذكذكتسئµ celebrates National Postdoc Appreciation Week

Sept. 19, 2016

During the week of Sept. 19, CU ذكذكتسئµ and institutions across the United States are hosting a range of events to honor their postdoctoral scholars as part of National Postdoc Appreciation Week (NPAW). Postdoc research at CU ذكذكتسئµ spans the social, physical and biological sciences as well as engineering, mathematics and humanities, and has been highlighted in top-tier journals including Nature, Cell and Science. The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) and Postdoctoral Association of Colorado (PAC) would like to recognize postdocs on campus and at affiliated National Labs during this seventh annual NPAW.

Senior Vice Chancellor Kelly Fox

From the SVC: Innovation is the foundation of our future success

Sept. 19, 2016

CU ذكذكتسئµ is a highly complex environment of many interconnected parts, but the root of our success is our people – talented and passionate in all of their fields. I welcome our new team members, and extend my appreciation to those who continue with us - all are key to the ongoing and efficient functioning of the university. We are moving into this new academic year with a focus on innovation across all elements of our enterprise, and I look forward to how these innovations will support our employees and our educational and research mission.

Student studying

Focus on Academics: Study tips

Sept. 19, 2016

A big part of being successful as a Buff is learning to study like a pro. Click through for some study tips and resources.

a photo of Deborah Jin

In Memoriam: Deborah Jin

Sept. 19, 2016

Deborah Jin passed away Sept. 15, 2016, after a courageous battle with cancer. She was 47. Jin was an internationally renowned physicist and Fellow with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an Adjoint Professor in the Department of Physics at CU ذكذكتسئµ, and a Fellow of JILA, a joint institute of NIST and the University of Colorado.

Lawyers in courtroom.

Carrigan Cup Trial Competition Sept. 19

Sept. 16, 2016

Join Colorado Law on Monday, Sept. 19, at 3 p.m. in the Wolf Law Building Wittemyer Courtroom for the Carrigan Cup Trial Competition, where student competitors will perform an entire trial before a panel of distinguished trial judges and trial lawyers.

Three women hold a large Colorado flag and post for a photo on a mountain top in Patagonia.

Study Abroad: Record number of students receive Gilman awards

Sept. 16, 2016

A record nine CU ذكذكتسئµ students have been awarded Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarships to study abroad during the fall 2016 semester or the 2016-17 academic year. The scholarships will take the students to such reaches as Brighton, England; Barcelona, Spain; Monteverde, Cost Rica; Valparaiso, Chile; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Osaka, Japan.
